Перевод: с баскского на английский

с английского на баскский

(jantzirik gabe)

  • 1 biluzi

    [from *bilo + hu(t)s] iz.
    1. \biluziak jantzi to clothe the naked
    2. (Arteg.) nude io.
    1. (jantzirik gabe) naked, nude, unclothed, bare Oharra: ikus oharra naked sarreran
    2. (estalkirik gabe, e.a.)
    a. (paisaia) bare, barren, featureless, bleak, flat
    c. (etxe, horma) bare, plain; horma \biluzietan on the bare walls
    d. (ezpata) unsheathed adb. \biluzi gelditu to {wind || end} up naked du/ad.
    a. (oro.) to strip, bare, uncover
    b. (p.) to strip, undress; arropa guztiez \biluzi zuten they stripped him of all his clothes
    c. (gauza) to lay bare, uncover
    2. (irud.) euskara bere baliabidez \biluzi zuten they stripped Basque of all its means ; bere dohain guztiez \biluzirik stripped of all his talents da/ad.
    1. (p.) to get undressed, undress; arropa guztiez \biluzi ziren they took all their clothes off
    2. to get rid of, cast (sth) aside; biluz gaitezen gure harrotasunez let us cast our pride aside

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > biluzi

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